Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's the time of year where all you hear is "So what are you thankful for?" We all have so much to be thankful for, but we always get to busy with things in our life we sometimes forget. Then we think about it when something happens either to us or someone in our lives, whether good or bad. I was thinking about it the other day, and I am as guilty as the next person to not appreciate things in my life. So I have a challenge to any one who reads this. Take some time each day to tell someone, write down, or just have a quiet time to say one thing we are thankful for. So that's my challenge, be thankful not just during the "Thanksgiving Holiday" but everyday of the year. When things are going good and when things are going so great. I think it will make us all better individuals!
Happy Halloween!!
I'm a little late on this post, but better late than never right?!?!
We had a great Halloween, we convinced the boys to all dress up as pirates since we already had the costumes. So mom and dad decided to join in on the fun. They went and got costumes for them, and Jordan dress up too. We headed over for dinner, to our surprise it was a "Pirate Themed" dinner. Mom had everything that you would have at a pirate dinner.

After dinner we headed out to do a little trick-or-treating! The weather was not the best, but we made the most of it. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and went home with some yummy treats!
We had a great Halloween, we convinced the boys to all dress up as pirates since we already had the costumes. So mom and dad decided to join in on the fun. They went and got costumes for them, and Jordan dress up too. We headed over for dinner, to our surprise it was a "Pirate Themed" dinner. Mom had everything that you would have at a pirate dinner.
After dinner we headed out to do a little trick-or-treating! The weather was not the best, but we made the most of it. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and went home with some yummy treats!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Washington Farms
A couple of weeks ago we headed out the Washington Farms pumpkin patch with my mom and dad and Leigh and Jadon. The boys ran around, played in a corn-box, same thing as a sand box but instead of sand it was corn. They had a little petting zoo, slides, and fun things for the whole family. Christian and Jadon rode the cow train, and then we all enjoyed a hay ride before going to pick our own pumpkins. All in all it was a great day!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Adelyn Grace!
I am very excited to announce that I have a niece!! Never thought we would ever get a little girl in our family, but yesterday changed it!
She entered the world at 12:36, weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz, and 22 inches long! She is perfect, and has a great set of lungs. Leigh did awesome, and I am very proud of her!

She entered the world at 12:36, weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz, and 22 inches long! She is perfect, and has a great set of lungs. Leigh did awesome, and I am very proud of her!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Major Update.......
So I have been a really bad blogger! Things get pretty busy with two kids and working full time! A lot has gone on over the past few months. Let's see....Christian started Kindergarten. He is such a big boy! We had a little trouble in the beginning with him paying attention and following all the rules. I think that we have finally got in to a grove and last week was his first week with no check marks the whole week!! Huge progress!

Colin turned 1! The year has FLOWN by! We had a little party for him over at my mom and dads, and he loved the chocolate cake. His little personality is coming out more and more each day, it is so awesome to see who he is becoming. He is walking all over the place, and recently figured out dancing! Well, kind of. It's too cute.

The boys and I headed to the beach a few weeks ago with mom and dad, and we had a great time. It was the first time either one of them had even been and they loved it. Christian did great in the ocean, I thought he would hate the salt water, but every time he would get knocked over he would get right back up! Colin didn't care to much for the ocean, but loved the sand! Next time we will have to make sure daddy comes along.

I can't believe that it is already October! Leigh is expecting a little girl any day, we we are anxiously awaiting for the arrival of baby girl Perlotte! (I don't think they have decided on a name just yet.) Before you know it Thanksgiving will be here! I'll try and update this thing more often, even if it's just a picture or two of the boys.
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Colin turned 1! The year has FLOWN by! We had a little party for him over at my mom and dads, and he loved the chocolate cake. His little personality is coming out more and more each day, it is so awesome to see who he is becoming. He is walking all over the place, and recently figured out dancing! Well, kind of. It's too cute.
The boys and I headed to the beach a few weeks ago with mom and dad, and we had a great time. It was the first time either one of them had even been and they loved it. Christian did great in the ocean, I thought he would hate the salt water, but every time he would get knocked over he would get right back up! Colin didn't care to much for the ocean, but loved the sand! Next time we will have to make sure daddy comes along.
I can't believe that it is already October! Leigh is expecting a little girl any day, we we are anxiously awaiting for the arrival of baby girl Perlotte! (I don't think they have decided on a name just yet.) Before you know it Thanksgiving will be here! I'll try and update this thing more often, even if it's just a picture or two of the boys.
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
So I have been so bad about putting picture up from our trip, but I took over 500 so there is a lot to go thru. Here is one of us in front of Cinderella's Castle!

If you would like to see all 500 let me know and I will give you access to the website where they are all loaded up!
If you would like to see all 500 let me know and I will give you access to the website where they are all loaded up!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Disney World 2009
On Saturday the 3rd we loaded up the boys and the car and headed to Disney World. We kept it a surprise from Christian until the night before. I didn't want him asking every morning if it was the day we are leaving. Since we would be gone for Christian's birthday we celebrated Friday night over at mom and dads. Christian wanted hot dogs for his birthday dinner and sun days for desert. Afterwards we gave him he present, which was a Mickey hat, an autograph book and Mickey pen. When we gave it to him, we told him that once he opened it, that would tell him where we were going. He opened it, looked at everything and said "are we going to Disney World?" I said "yes" and he preceding to roll his eyes, and sigh. Not the reactions I was hopping for. I was looking for the excitement and surprise, and had my camera in hand to capture it all. He then put everything to the side and ran off to play! I don't think the whole thought completely sunk in at that time, after a while and asking what was there to do and through out the night he started getting more excited!
The next morning we where up by 6, and finished loading the car, and tuck two boys in the car and headed out to the one of the happiest places on earth. Both boys did great in the car, Christian had a DVD player and watched movies and Colin had toys to play with. We where making good time, and before we knew it we where headed for the Florida Turnpike. If I can give anyone and advice before heading to Orlando, it would be 1-make sure you have cash, and coins. There are tolls up and down the turnpike, and they do not take debit cards. 2- make sure before you get on the turnpike to fill up. The gas stations are spread out, and there is about 30 miles in between them. As we are headed on the turn pike the discussion came up should we stop and fill up or wait until we are on the turnpike? We opted to wait. So as we are headed down the highway and notice NO signs for gas stations, we find an exit to get off and try to find a place. That there was our first toll! One dollar, exact coins, no change. We are 25 cents short, but I must say the nice Floridians who where behind else, gave us the quarter, when I exited my car and walked back to their car. Only to see no gas stations, and have to turn around and get back on the highway. Where about 5 miles down I hear Michael say "I have a bad feeling about this!" We have now come open another toll, the one major toll on the turnpike, $2.50, and yep you guess it, I only had two dollars and NO they do not take debit cards. While we sit there and have the attendant write us a ticket so we can mail them a check for the $2.50, we finally make it through only to pull up and into the parking lot of the toll plaza and run out of gas! I go in and ask for some assistance, and was told a Road Ranger would come and give us some gas to make it to the next gas station 28 miles down the road. So, we waited 1 hour and 15 min, for him to arrive and get us on our way. Then we find a gas station, get off, fill up head back to the highway and pay yet another toll! The lesson learned, fill up and have money on hand! Alas, we make it to our hotel, which was right on Disney property and right across the street from Downtown Disney.
Sunday, our plans where to head to the Animal Kingdom. We woke up to the news that two monorails had collided and one of the drivers was killed. We had plans to ride one so that Christian would be able to experience it, because of that the monorails where to be closed for a while. Once at the Animal Kingdom, we realized it was not very crowded. We were able to walk right on to any of the rides, and had seen the whole park by about 3 o'clock. The best thing I think about the park was the safari ride,through Africa. All the animals where out and we got some great pictures. That evening we headed to Downtown Disney for a little shopping and dinner.
Monday, we woke up to, most importantly, tell Christian Happy Birthday! I can't believe he if 5, crazy how time flies by. We got ready and headed to the Magic Kingdom. Since the accident the previous day, the monorails where still closed so once, you arrived at the parking lot, everyone had to ride the ferry boat over to the park. Which took a good hour. Once we got to the park, we headed for one side of the park and made our rounds to the other side. The park was not crowed either. We were able to walk on to all the rides again this day, as we did the day before. In fact a couple of the rides, we rode, got off and walked right back around to ride again. It was great!! It was hot, but between a fan we bought, water, and taking in a lot of the shops that had air, we stayed pretty cool.
Christian had a blast, and Colin was just amazed at everything. I think at some point while looking at the characters he thought we were crazy, but he had a great time too! Michael and I even had a great time, so much that on the way back we were talking about going back next year. So soon I will be staring the planning process for our vacation in 2010. You always have fun going to Disney growing up and even when your an adult, but when you go for the first time with your kids, it is amazing. To see there face lite up, and smile, it is the best feeling ever!
I'll post pictures soon!
The next morning we where up by 6, and finished loading the car, and tuck two boys in the car and headed out to the one of the happiest places on earth. Both boys did great in the car, Christian had a DVD player and watched movies and Colin had toys to play with. We where making good time, and before we knew it we where headed for the Florida Turnpike. If I can give anyone and advice before heading to Orlando, it would be 1-make sure you have cash, and coins. There are tolls up and down the turnpike, and they do not take debit cards. 2- make sure before you get on the turnpike to fill up. The gas stations are spread out, and there is about 30 miles in between them. As we are headed on the turn pike the discussion came up should we stop and fill up or wait until we are on the turnpike? We opted to wait. So as we are headed down the highway and notice NO signs for gas stations, we find an exit to get off and try to find a place. That there was our first toll! One dollar, exact coins, no change. We are 25 cents short, but I must say the nice Floridians who where behind else, gave us the quarter, when I exited my car and walked back to their car. Only to see no gas stations, and have to turn around and get back on the highway. Where about 5 miles down I hear Michael say "I have a bad feeling about this!" We have now come open another toll, the one major toll on the turnpike, $2.50, and yep you guess it, I only had two dollars and NO they do not take debit cards. While we sit there and have the attendant write us a ticket so we can mail them a check for the $2.50, we finally make it through only to pull up and into the parking lot of the toll plaza and run out of gas! I go in and ask for some assistance, and was told a Road Ranger would come and give us some gas to make it to the next gas station 28 miles down the road. So, we waited 1 hour and 15 min, for him to arrive and get us on our way. Then we find a gas station, get off, fill up head back to the highway and pay yet another toll! The lesson learned, fill up and have money on hand! Alas, we make it to our hotel, which was right on Disney property and right across the street from Downtown Disney.
Sunday, our plans where to head to the Animal Kingdom. We woke up to the news that two monorails had collided and one of the drivers was killed. We had plans to ride one so that Christian would be able to experience it, because of that the monorails where to be closed for a while. Once at the Animal Kingdom, we realized it was not very crowded. We were able to walk right on to any of the rides, and had seen the whole park by about 3 o'clock. The best thing I think about the park was the safari ride,through Africa. All the animals where out and we got some great pictures. That evening we headed to Downtown Disney for a little shopping and dinner.
Monday, we woke up to, most importantly, tell Christian Happy Birthday! I can't believe he if 5, crazy how time flies by. We got ready and headed to the Magic Kingdom. Since the accident the previous day, the monorails where still closed so once, you arrived at the parking lot, everyone had to ride the ferry boat over to the park. Which took a good hour. Once we got to the park, we headed for one side of the park and made our rounds to the other side. The park was not crowed either. We were able to walk on to all the rides again this day, as we did the day before. In fact a couple of the rides, we rode, got off and walked right back around to ride again. It was great!! It was hot, but between a fan we bought, water, and taking in a lot of the shops that had air, we stayed pretty cool.
Christian had a blast, and Colin was just amazed at everything. I think at some point while looking at the characters he thought we were crazy, but he had a great time too! Michael and I even had a great time, so much that on the way back we were talking about going back next year. So soon I will be staring the planning process for our vacation in 2010. You always have fun going to Disney growing up and even when your an adult, but when you go for the first time with your kids, it is amazing. To see there face lite up, and smile, it is the best feeling ever!
I'll post pictures soon!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's been a while since I have last updated and a lot has been going on. With Easter, Birthdays, Mother's Day and the end of school, we have been very busy. Christian last day of Pre-K is tomorrow, and he will officially be in Kindergarten! Scary! I can't believe it, we went a couple of weeks ago and got him all registered. Colin is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He is pulling up on things, and crawling so fast! He is in to anything and everything, and I spend a lot of time chasing him from room to room. Christian loves Colin so much, but is still a little rough with him at times. He loves he is able to get around and they have so much fun playing together. There are time that Christian gets Colin to laugh so hard he has a hard time sitting up. It seems like he is the only one that can make him laugh like that! It is so cute. It makes me smile when I look at them playing and I hope that they say close through out the years. I had a birthday, and then Mothers day. We had a wonderful time spending time and celebrating with family, however Michael got really sick and ended up in the hospital for a few days with pneumonia! But is doing much better. I got a new camera, so I am very excited and hope to take more pictures and share them all with you.
I am having issues with uploading my pictures, but as soon as I do I will put them up!
We have an exciting summer ahead of us and are looking forward to it.
Stay tuned!!!
I am having issues with uploading my pictures, but as soon as I do I will put them up!
We have an exciting summer ahead of us and are looking forward to it.
Stay tuned!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Colin's 6 months!

It's hard to believe that he is already six months old, but then again it's hard to believe that Christian is 4! How time flies by. Colin is such a great baby. He is always happy, and loves to laugh and smile! He is sitting up by him self, and will roll all over the floor. He will get into the crawling position but just sit there, he doesn't know if he moves his arms and legs he will get somewhere. And if he is sitting in front of something stable enough he will pull himself up. It takes a little while, but he figures it out. Besides he would rather stand than sit. He is eating baby food, and loves banana's!! He weights about 18 pounds, so he is getting a little heavy, he gives my arms a great workout! Christian is doing good with him, now that he is able to sit up and play with toys, Christian thinks he can do anything, so we have to remind him he is not ready to wrestle with him, just yet!
Here are a few pictures over the past month of the boys! Colin is trying a lot of new things, but his favorite is ice cream! I think it's because he is teething and the cold feels really good on his gums!!

Last Saturday, Jadon came over to play, while my sister was a little under the weather, and they had a blast! Jumping on the bed, (yes, I let them jump on Christian's bed!) and playing chase in the house! It was raining, so we did as much as possible playing inside!

Last Saturday, Jadon came over to play, while my sister was a little under the weather, and they had a blast! Jumping on the bed, (yes, I let them jump on Christian's bed!) and playing chase in the house! It was raining, so we did as much as possible playing inside!

Snow Day!
Believe it or not, but we got snow in Georgia! It snowed the whole day and we got quite a bit, and Christian loved playing in it. Colin didn't really know what it was, but we made sure we got some photo's of him in his first snow! We lost power that night and ended up all sleeping in the living room in front of the fire place all night, but is was beautiful!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I know it has been a while, things have been really crazy. Colin has been sick for the past month, and after being at the doctors office every week, for the past three weeks and lots of calls they have discovered he has RSV. So he is currently on five breathing treatments a day, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last night was a good night; where he finally slept most of the night with out having a coughing attack.
So with out further a-do here are the long awaited pictures from Christmas! Enjoy!
A couple of weeks ago my mom and dad took Christian and Jadon to the Children's Museum for the Bob the Builder exhibit! The boys had a blast. Plus, we enjoyed the afternoon with just us (plus Colin, but he slept), and a quite lunch out.
So with out further a-do here are the long awaited pictures from Christmas! Enjoy!
A couple of weeks ago my mom and dad took Christian and Jadon to the Children's Museum for the Bob the Builder exhibit! The boys had a blast. Plus, we enjoyed the afternoon with just us (plus Colin, but he slept), and a quite lunch out.
Monday, January 5, 2009
WOW! I have really slacked on my blogging, so I have a lot of catching up to do. So hang on there’s a lot…..
First, I guess we will start with Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time, my Aunt and Uncle and there family, along with Shelli’s new husband came and visited for the long weekend. It was so nice to catch up. Since the last time we had seen them was in June for Shelli’s wedding. Plus it was there first time meeting Colin. We had a great time visiting, eating, shopping, eating, going to the movies, and did I mention eating!?!? On Friday Shelli, Colin and I fought the crowds and went shopping! We got a lot of stuff and really good deals; I ended up buying me something at every store though! Oh well!
And next was Christmas, which came so flipping fast! I could not believe that I was actually putting up Christmas decorations! Christian was so excited; he would ask me everyday if it were Christmas! He couldn't wait. The weekend before My Grandpa Stevens, Aunt Pam and her boyfriend Rusty came for a quick visit. I would have enjoyed it a lot more, if I wouldn’t have gotten a stomach bug that everyone at work was so nicely passing around! But over all a great weekend. Christmas morning came and Christian was up at 5:30, so I quickly sent him back to sleep, since it was too early! Then alas 6:45 and there was no more sleeping, he ran in the living room and his eyes lit up!! He said “I knew you were going to surprise me!” He started opening all his gifts, and about half way thru said, there was many present and he was tired of opening gifts!! We just laughed. The main thing he asked for was this police helmet, so after everything was opened I asked him if he had gotten everything he wanted, and he said he didn’t get his police hat…..but there was still one more present……it was his hat, and he was so excited!! Colin got a few little hand toys, since he is now able to hold onto stuff, and they go straight to his mouth. He also got a new play mat, which he enjoys laying under. Over all I will say it was a great Christmas, spending time with family, and enjoying the birth of our Savior!
Happy New Years!!! Well 2008 is over and now it’s time to embark on a new year. I must say it was a great year, we added a new member to our family, Christian started pre-k, and we were lucky to come out of the year better than a lot of people in the world. That you GOD!! It was a hard year for many people, a lot of them lost there jobs, houses, and more. But we must enter into a New Year being very optimistic. We ended the year thinking 2009 would be a year with a new job, that would come many new opportunities, but at the very end, literally, we would soon find out things would go a completely different direction. I guess it is God’s way of keeping us on our toes, and showing us he really has everything planned out the way it is supposed to be. Even though all four of us sleep through the end of 2008 and the start of 2009, we are excited to see what God has in store for us.
It seems so cliché that a new year brings new resolutions, but what is a new year with out any?!?! So here’s to me losing my “baby, baby” weight, since I really never lost it with Christian. Being a better blogger, so our family and friends can keep up with our crazy life, and to enjoy my boys even more every day. Since time goes by so FAST!! I encourage everyone, or anyone who reads this to start there own blog. Its kind-of like a journal but online! Keep in touch with family and friends. Even if you don’t think you have anything to talk about, sit in front on the computer and things will come to you. Write about your family, your friend, school, of even your little doggie. Whatever it might be.
Here’s to another year, enjoy life, family, friends, or whatever it may be. Enjoy every moment, bad or good it is what makes us who we are. And what ever it may be, trust God and know “he knows what he is doing, so sit back and enjoy the ride!”
Happy 2009!!
(I will post pictures soon!)
First, I guess we will start with Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time, my Aunt and Uncle and there family, along with Shelli’s new husband came and visited for the long weekend. It was so nice to catch up. Since the last time we had seen them was in June for Shelli’s wedding. Plus it was there first time meeting Colin. We had a great time visiting, eating, shopping, eating, going to the movies, and did I mention eating!?!? On Friday Shelli, Colin and I fought the crowds and went shopping! We got a lot of stuff and really good deals; I ended up buying me something at every store though! Oh well!
And next was Christmas, which came so flipping fast! I could not believe that I was actually putting up Christmas decorations! Christian was so excited; he would ask me everyday if it were Christmas! He couldn't wait. The weekend before My Grandpa Stevens, Aunt Pam and her boyfriend Rusty came for a quick visit. I would have enjoyed it a lot more, if I wouldn’t have gotten a stomach bug that everyone at work was so nicely passing around! But over all a great weekend. Christmas morning came and Christian was up at 5:30, so I quickly sent him back to sleep, since it was too early! Then alas 6:45 and there was no more sleeping, he ran in the living room and his eyes lit up!! He said “I knew you were going to surprise me!” He started opening all his gifts, and about half way thru said, there was many present and he was tired of opening gifts!! We just laughed. The main thing he asked for was this police helmet, so after everything was opened I asked him if he had gotten everything he wanted, and he said he didn’t get his police hat…..but there was still one more present……it was his hat, and he was so excited!! Colin got a few little hand toys, since he is now able to hold onto stuff, and they go straight to his mouth. He also got a new play mat, which he enjoys laying under. Over all I will say it was a great Christmas, spending time with family, and enjoying the birth of our Savior!
Happy New Years!!! Well 2008 is over and now it’s time to embark on a new year. I must say it was a great year, we added a new member to our family, Christian started pre-k, and we were lucky to come out of the year better than a lot of people in the world. That you GOD!! It was a hard year for many people, a lot of them lost there jobs, houses, and more. But we must enter into a New Year being very optimistic. We ended the year thinking 2009 would be a year with a new job, that would come many new opportunities, but at the very end, literally, we would soon find out things would go a completely different direction. I guess it is God’s way of keeping us on our toes, and showing us he really has everything planned out the way it is supposed to be. Even though all four of us sleep through the end of 2008 and the start of 2009, we are excited to see what God has in store for us.
It seems so cliché that a new year brings new resolutions, but what is a new year with out any?!?! So here’s to me losing my “baby, baby” weight, since I really never lost it with Christian. Being a better blogger, so our family and friends can keep up with our crazy life, and to enjoy my boys even more every day. Since time goes by so FAST!! I encourage everyone, or anyone who reads this to start there own blog. Its kind-of like a journal but online! Keep in touch with family and friends. Even if you don’t think you have anything to talk about, sit in front on the computer and things will come to you. Write about your family, your friend, school, of even your little doggie. Whatever it might be.
Here’s to another year, enjoy life, family, friends, or whatever it may be. Enjoy every moment, bad or good it is what makes us who we are. And what ever it may be, trust God and know “he knows what he is doing, so sit back and enjoy the ride!”
Happy 2009!!
(I will post pictures soon!)
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