Over the next couple of weeks we started preparing for Christmas. Michael was out of town the week leading up to Christmas, so the boys and I stayed busy getting ready for the big day. The week before Leigh and I took the kids up to Lake Lanier to see the Magical lights, it was fun and the kids enjoyed it. Every time we would see the lights, Jadon would yell out “my daddy made that!” It was cute! Once you drive through the whole thing you end up at the Holiday Shop. They had a carnival set up for the kids to ride, a gift shop and even a place to roast marshmallows. We learned a few tips for next year….bring our own bag a marshmallows instead of buy a stick with 5 on it for $2 bucks! The kids had fun…and by the time we exited the park the 3 little ones where out! That’s means it was a success for us!
Michael came home on Christmas Eve from working in Mississippi and the boys could not have been happier. I was happy but I knew what 8 days really felt like. It was a good learning experience for Christian, what a whole day was and a week was. We had a wonderful Christmas! The boys didn’t wake up too early and where eager to see what they had under the tree. We left almost all Colin’s toys unwrapped, mainly due to the fact it would have been impossible to wrap, but to make it easier on him. We also left a few things of Christian’s out. When they walked up to the tree Christian showed Colin all his toys and stared playing with him, we had to keep reminding him that he had his own toys! Christian got a Leapster 2 with games, a big garbage truck, the game of BINGO, and a racetrack with match box cars. Colin got a circus train with animals, a BIG lion, and a grocery cart full of food! I think the boys enjoyed everything they got. We spent most of the morning home, and let the kids play before heading over to mom and dads for lunch. After lunch we opened gift and I must say I am very excited about my gift I got. I have started getting into photography, so mom and dad got me a portfolio book so I can show off my pictures. I got it and was excited, once I opened it I got even more excited when I saw a note saying 2 tickets to the Michael Buble’ concert in March!! YIPPEE!! I love his music and can’t wait to go see him. I have decided to take mom since I can’t pay Michael enough to go with me, so we will make it a girl’s night. I can’t wait! I was off from work from Christmas until after the first of the year, so the boys and I spent the whole week hanging out. We even where able to catch the new Alvin in the chipmunks’ movie!
We stayed home New Years eve and the boys slept through it and Michael and I watch TV! Very exciting I know! We hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays and hope 2010 is great for everyone. We don’t know what 2010 will hold….but we know WHO holds it….we will let HIM guide us through it and enjoy the journey!! Happy New Years Everyone!!
(I have lots more pictures but I am having a hard time uploading them.)
1 comment:
I love Micheal Buble!!!
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