The first book I read was written by Mary Beth Chapman, wife of Stephen Curtis Chapman a Christian song writer, and mother to 6 kids!! The story was about her life, being married and raising a young family. Then God placed it in their hearts to adopt 3 little girls from China, after having 3 of her own. Then tragically their youngest son accidentally ran over one of the girls killing her, in their own driveway. It was amazing to read about how her faith pulled her through this, and is still getting her through it. I cried over the book, being a mommy myself. Such an inspiration!

The second book was written by Denise Jackson, wife to country music star Allen Jackson. The story of making a marriage, family, and life while all living in the spot life of Hollywood! Thru ups and downs, a separation, all while trusting God. At times wondering how or why, but at the end of the day her personal walk with Christ is what got her through it. It’s weird how something she can write about in her life, totally relates to something in my life.

I just finished my third book! Since I blog, I have become a “blog stalker!” I love reading blogs, people I know, people I don’t know. Pouring their life stories out in the open. Sometimes it can be very therapeutic, a feeling of getting out of your head and on to paper. Some blogs are happy, day to day life. Others, not so much. It’s a way to reach out to others, kind of a testimony. When I was pregnant with Colin I would follow blogs, and would link from one blog to others and so on. I happened to stumble across one by Angie Smith. A wife, a mother, and a Christ follower. She had three beautiful little girls, twins Ellie and Abby and then Kate. When Kate was 2 she found herself pregnant again, only this time it would be different. At 18 weeks, the found out there new unborn baby girl had many health problems, and with these problems she would not be able to live. She started her blog more as a way to inform family and friends of things going on, without repeating the story over and over. In a way my heart just went out to her. I had never experienced anything that she was experiencing, nor do I ever. I guess it was from a mommy to mommy, and being pregnant at the same time. Her story has become a huge testimony for others. She wrote a book about her experiences, the journey her and her family went on. Having her faith tested, pulled in different directions, but at the end of the day being grateful for God allowed her to go thru and overcome. Yes, it’s tragic and sad, but seeing how amazing God is and what HE is really is capable of doing…no words can explain. You defiantly look at life differently. She has written another book, and I can’t wait to read it. I highly recommend this book, be prepared to cry it will happen.

So I guess I have the “reading bug!” I’m looking for another good book to sink into. I guess I’m drawn to inspirational biographies. So if you have a good book to recommend, let me know.