Here are his stats:
Weight: 51 lbs (50%- 75%)
Height: 49 ¼ (50% - 75%)
BMI: 14.7 (25%-50%)
I was very surprised at the percentile for his height, to me he’s tall for his age and with Michael being so tall I just figured it would be higher. No biggie, he has plenty of time to grow! He did great answering the nurse and doctors’ questions. He past his hearing test with flying colors, which I responded to “hey, you can hear!” I guess he has that selective hearing going on. He didn’t do to great with his vision test, so she let him try again and didn’t do to good the second time around. The test consisted of him standing at one end of the hall way, cover one eye and read the letters off the chart on the other end of the hall. Needless to say we will be visiting the eye doctor next week to have a more extensive test to check his eyes out. I’m not too worried about it, if he needs glasses then that’s what we will do. School starts next week and I don’t want him struggling to see.
He didn’t receive any shots, which he was so happy about. I am so glad that we switched doctors last year, he loves his new doctor. She is great and takes time to go over anything we have questions or concerns about. At our last doctors' I always felt rushed. She remembered us from our last visit about the spot on his face and was curious about what the dermatologist said. It really makes our visit somewhat enjoyable. We left and he gave the doctor a big huge…makes a momma proud!
He looks so cute in his gown!!
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