So not only did my parents take Colin out of town last weekend, but he received his first black eye!!
(It's not the best picture, but you can still see it a little!)
Once they got home on Monday night Colin was super fussy!! He hadn't gotten a full nap, and what nap he did receive it was late in the afternoon so he was super cranky!! He cried for about 45 minutes before I could get him calmed down. He kept covering his face, and was just mad. Once he was able to clam down enough I noticed a band-aid on his knee. I asked him "oh, you got a boo-boo?" which he didn't respond only my mom by, "no, just a black eye!!" After my initial shock, she stated it was under my dad's watch so be mad at him! How quickly she throws him under the bus!!
He apparently was playing in the kitchen, twirling around (which he does often) and slammed right into the table! After the full-over check to make sure he was ok and didn't loose an eye, they said he was fine.
I think day 4-5 was the worst!
No biggie, accidents happen, and he's ok. However it's his first and you have to document it!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Colin's Get-A-Way Weekend
While Christian and I were enjoying our weekend together, Colin was having a blast himself. My whole family (with the exception of my parents, sister and 1 uncle) all live in Kentucky. In fact all with in 30 minutes of each other. My parents grew up living next door to each other so the family's just kind of blended, I LOVE IT!! We are a very close family, and I enjoy anytime we get to see them.
They drove up Friday and went straight to my grandparents house in Shelbyville. They had dinner and enjoyed time out in their garden.
They drove up Friday and went straight to my grandparents house in Shelbyville. They had dinner and enjoyed time out in their garden.
Years back they deciding to make hand imprints of each grandchild and great-grand child to use as stepping stones. I to this day I get picked on about mine, since I pressed down a little harder and left pretty deep prints. Colin placed his hands in my hands! Too cute!!
Adelyn smelling the flowers
Saturday morning they drove out to my aunt and uncle house (my mom's brother) to spend the rest of the weekend. They have 3 kids, Shelli, David and Amanda, and 10months ago Shelli and Chris had little Kendall!! She is a doll!! I am sure she enjoyed playing with Colin and Adelyn!!
Making sure Grandma Tootie gets water to grow.....
Shelli and little Miss Kendall..... (Shelli has her own blog, check hers out here!)
Sunday afternoon my dad's side of the family hosted a family reunion. Colin and Adelyn had so much fun running around and playing games.
My aunt Pam (my dad's sister) bought Colin a fishing rod and took him fishing. It had a little red fish on the end so he was so excited that he caught a fish!
Colin and his new fishing rod!
Checking out some of the fish that was caught that day.
Resting and enjoying a snack...
Monday on the way home my parents decided to stop at the train museum in Bowling Green. Colin LOVES trains!!
Checking out all the trains....
I am so glad that my parents took Colin with them, and even happier that he had a great time! Such fun memories made with the grandparents!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Mommy and Christian Weekend!!
My parents were out of town this past weekend, to Kentucky for a family reunion, and decided to take Colin and Adelyn along for the ride. Which meant that Christian and I would be able to spend the whole weekend just the two of us! I was excited to spend quality time with him, since he shares the attention with Colin. I dropped Christian off at school Friday morning and then headed to my parents to drop of Colin before heading to work. I knew he would be fine with my parents, but it’s still hard leaving him. I gave him a big hug and kiss, and preceded to leave. I wanted one more so I asked Colin to give me another hug and kiss, in which he responded to “I already did mommy!” Ugh, it broke my heart. I kept it together and shed just a couple of tears on the way to work.
The only agreement I had with my parents were they would take Colin and Christian and I would sleep at their house to watch Ebony, the dog. No biggie, she is a great dog and kind of lazy. However Friday night she got up 5 times to go out to the bathroom. It was a long night, and I called Saturday morning and told my dad I was ready to switch and wanted Colin back.
We went back home for a while Saturday morning to clean, do laundry and just catch up on things that get neglected during the week.
I decided to take Christian to a movie, so we headed out for a early afternoon movie of “Spy Kids 4 in 4D!” It was a cute movie, and he enjoyed it. The theater was packed out!
Afterwards we went and ate lunch, then hit the Lego store. He loves Lego’s, and is always wanted something new but never wants to spend his money always mommy and daddy’s money. After checking out all the new stuff we headed home with a stop at Chick-fil-A for an ice-cream.
Saturday night we were back at my parents house and we broke out a game. Christian had gotten a few games for Christmas but we have yet to play them all. So we decided on Monopoly Jr. I explained the game, and basically how to win, but he was more worried about how much money he had instead of how many ticket booths he had. At one point he told me, “ha you’re out of money!” which I was down to $1.00!! However I had bought every property I landed on and it was only a matter of time before he landed on them and had to pay. Overall it was a great night and I so enjoyed spending all that time just the two of us.
Sunday we went to church, went home for lunch and a nap. The nap was awesome!! I don’t get to take naps like that with boy of them there, it gets to loud and I’m worried what they will eventually get into. We picked up dinner on the way back to my parents and ended up making cupcakes that night for when everyone came back in town. Before we knew it, Monday rolled around and it was time to start the week.
I am SO happy for the weekend we had together just us! I love both of my boys, but think it is so important to let them each have alone, quality time alone with us.
The only agreement I had with my parents were they would take Colin and Christian and I would sleep at their house to watch Ebony, the dog. No biggie, she is a great dog and kind of lazy. However Friday night she got up 5 times to go out to the bathroom. It was a long night, and I called Saturday morning and told my dad I was ready to switch and wanted Colin back.
We went back home for a while Saturday morning to clean, do laundry and just catch up on things that get neglected during the week.
I decided to take Christian to a movie, so we headed out for a early afternoon movie of “Spy Kids 4 in 4D!” It was a cute movie, and he enjoyed it. The theater was packed out!

Afterwards we went and ate lunch, then hit the Lego store. He loves Lego’s, and is always wanted something new but never wants to spend his money always mommy and daddy’s money. After checking out all the new stuff we headed home with a stop at Chick-fil-A for an ice-cream.

Saturday night we were back at my parents house and we broke out a game. Christian had gotten a few games for Christmas but we have yet to play them all. So we decided on Monopoly Jr. I explained the game, and basically how to win, but he was more worried about how much money he had instead of how many ticket booths he had. At one point he told me, “ha you’re out of money!” which I was down to $1.00!! However I had bought every property I landed on and it was only a matter of time before he landed on them and had to pay. Overall it was a great night and I so enjoyed spending all that time just the two of us.

Sunday we went to church, went home for lunch and a nap. The nap was awesome!! I don’t get to take naps like that with boy of them there, it gets to loud and I’m worried what they will eventually get into. We picked up dinner on the way back to my parents and ended up making cupcakes that night for when everyone came back in town. Before we knew it, Monday rolled around and it was time to start the week.
I am SO happy for the weekend we had together just us! I love both of my boys, but think it is so important to let them each have alone, quality time alone with us.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Ode to the paci….

I knew with his 3rd birthday quickly approaching I wanted it gone. Last week, Monday to be exact, we were down to one paci. The others had either gotten lost, or he chewed them since he’s having some late teeth coming trough. Well we lost it somewhere in the house. That was it, I knew this was the time to break it away from him. Monday night was horrible!! He was up until 11, and then was up 2-3 times during the night looking for it. I thought surely it would only take about 2-3 nights before it got better. Nope. Every night since then has been a challenge. Most nights it’s after 10 before he finally is out, and sometimes later. I know it’s hard, but I have to stay on top of it and not cave in. It has been so much harder with Colin than with Christian. I think it has to do with the fact that Christian wasn’t even 2 when we took it away, and Colin has had it so much longer. Which I take responsibility for that. I know it will only be a matter of time when it’s not an issue anymore, but geeze it’s been tough.
What have you found that has worked with getting your little ones to sleep without a paci? Anything that will allow him to be asleep around the same time Christian is asleep would be great!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
What’s going on?!?!
I am officially ready to sell at the Kidsignment sale!! Drop off it Saturday and I am excited to see how much money we (my sister and I) will make!!
Michael is home this weekend! I am so ready t have some family time, and a much needed date!! Plus he won’t be traveling again until the end of next week, so it’s going to feel like a vacation with him home again!
We made it through the first week of 2nd grade. No huge problems, just the occasionally talking issues. A bigger plus is that Christian is really loving school. I’m not sure if it is still new to him, but he has looked forward to going every morning. Hopefully this will last and it’s just not a fluke thing.
I am preparing for Colin’s 3rd birthday in a few weeks!! He is loving trains, so that is our theme. I don’t like the whole Tomas the Train (commercialized) themes, I just wanted cute trains! Which I found on Etsy!! Addicting!! I love that website, and could get in to major trouble with all the cute things I could buy.
Check out her store here!

I have found “Pinterest!” Which is why my blogging has slacked a little. My (little) time I have at night instead of blogging has been used cursing around that bad boy website! If you haven’t found it or figured it out, you are missing out! Come find me, and follow me!
As always things are exciting in our house hold. We are shown daily how amazing our God is. We have some exciting things going on, and it is HIM who is and will be receiving all the glory for it. Isn’t he awesome?
Happy Weekend!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
First Day of School
Summer is officially over, and I am a little sad. It seemed like we just finished up last year and we are headed back again. We had a great summer, and are eager to see what the 2ND grade has to offer.
This past Thursday was open house and we went to meet Christian's new teacher Mrs. Bator. She seemed very nice, and looked like he would be doing a lot of fun things this year. We are no longer on the "U, S, E, and N" grading system and from here on out things will be fully graded. I'm sure we (he) won't have any problems.
Here is a picture from this morning, ready for a new year!
You had a GREAT first day, you even said you had fun! Which I was so happy to hear. Last night you were a little worried about going, but all your worries are no more.
I can't believe how big you look in this picture!
This past Thursday was open house and we went to meet Christian's new teacher Mrs. Bator. She seemed very nice, and looked like he would be doing a lot of fun things this year. We are no longer on the "U, S, E, and N" grading system and from here on out things will be fully graded. I'm sure we (he) won't have any problems.
Here is a picture from this morning, ready for a new year!
You had a GREAT first day, you even said you had fun! Which I was so happy to hear. Last night you were a little worried about going, but all your worries are no more.
I can't believe how big you look in this picture!
Here's to another Great year....Go TIGERS!!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Dr Check-Up!
Tuesday was Christian’s 7-year check up!
Here are his stats:
Weight: 51 lbs (50%- 75%)
Height: 49 ¼ (50% - 75%)
BMI: 14.7 (25%-50%)
I was very surprised at the percentile for his height, to me he’s tall for his age and with Michael being so tall I just figured it would be higher. No biggie, he has plenty of time to grow! He did great answering the nurse and doctors’ questions. He past his hearing test with flying colors, which I responded to “hey, you can hear!” I guess he has that selective hearing going on. He didn’t do to great with his vision test, so she let him try again and didn’t do to good the second time around. The test consisted of him standing at one end of the hall way, cover one eye and read the letters off the chart on the other end of the hall. Needless to say we will be visiting the eye doctor next week to have a more extensive test to check his eyes out. I’m not too worried about it, if he needs glasses then that’s what we will do. School starts next week and I don’t want him struggling to see.
He didn’t receive any shots, which he was so happy about. I am so glad that we switched doctors last year, he loves his new doctor. She is great and takes time to go over anything we have questions or concerns about. At our last doctors' I always felt rushed. She remembered us from our last visit about the spot on his face and was curious about what the dermatologist said. It really makes our visit somewhat enjoyable. We left and he gave the doctor a big huge…makes a momma proud!
He looks so cute in his gown!!
Here are his stats:
Weight: 51 lbs (50%- 75%)
Height: 49 ¼ (50% - 75%)
BMI: 14.7 (25%-50%)
I was very surprised at the percentile for his height, to me he’s tall for his age and with Michael being so tall I just figured it would be higher. No biggie, he has plenty of time to grow! He did great answering the nurse and doctors’ questions. He past his hearing test with flying colors, which I responded to “hey, you can hear!” I guess he has that selective hearing going on. He didn’t do to great with his vision test, so she let him try again and didn’t do to good the second time around. The test consisted of him standing at one end of the hall way, cover one eye and read the letters off the chart on the other end of the hall. Needless to say we will be visiting the eye doctor next week to have a more extensive test to check his eyes out. I’m not too worried about it, if he needs glasses then that’s what we will do. School starts next week and I don’t want him struggling to see.
He didn’t receive any shots, which he was so happy about. I am so glad that we switched doctors last year, he loves his new doctor. She is great and takes time to go over anything we have questions or concerns about. At our last doctors' I always felt rushed. She remembered us from our last visit about the spot on his face and was curious about what the dermatologist said. It really makes our visit somewhat enjoyable. We left and he gave the doctor a big huge…makes a momma proud!
He looks so cute in his gown!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
What does hundreds of safety pins........
hundreds of hangers.....
And piles and piles of kid clothes, toys, shoes and everything else mean.....
Kidsignment sale!!
I did this sale back in February and now it’s time again. My living room has been taken over with clothes, toys, shoes, hangers, tags, safety pins. Oh, but it’s worth it when I receive my check in the mail. I did pretty good my first time, and hoping to do even better. I learned a few things, tips to be better prepared. It is quickly approaching too…drop of is in 2 weeks, and I have so much to do. My plan is to work on it a little bit each night, and not over do it over the weekends. I don’t want to be rushing the morning of to get everything finished like I was last time. The sale starts on August 16th, so if you are in the area stop by it huge, and crazy but some awesome deals can be found! Check out their website is huge...and crazy!!
hundreds of hangers.....
And piles and piles of kid clothes, toys, shoes and everything else mean.....
Kidsignment sale!!
I did this sale back in February and now it’s time again. My living room has been taken over with clothes, toys, shoes, hangers, tags, safety pins. Oh, but it’s worth it when I receive my check in the mail. I did pretty good my first time, and hoping to do even better. I learned a few things, tips to be better prepared. It is quickly approaching too…drop of is in 2 weeks, and I have so much to do. My plan is to work on it a little bit each night, and not over do it over the weekends. I don’t want to be rushing the morning of to get everything finished like I was last time. The sale starts on August 16th, so if you are in the area stop by it huge, and crazy but some awesome deals can be found! Check out their website is huge...and crazy!!
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