If you have kids, and especially boys you know accidents are bound to happen. Bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes are just a few things that are pretty typically around our house. We go through quite a bit of Band-Aids; even though a band-aid might not be needed it sometimes just calms them down enough. Christian I think takes the cake, he is my dramatic child and every little thing needs a band-aid. Numerous times I say “there isn’t even a mark,” but he still needs the band-aid. I have to be pretty thankful that we have not had anything to serious in a few years, until Tuesday. I’m at work, getting ready to leave for lunch and my cell phone rings. I don’t recognize the number but answer it anyway. As I finish saying hello I hear the voice on the other end,…….”Ms. Milam, this is Jan from the clinic at Cooper……” that was all she needed to say, I immediately thought he can’t be sick! She proceeds to inform me that Christian was just in the clinic and she wanted to call and let me know what happened before he came home and I flipped out. Okay, as I start to panic a little, she says “he’s OK…..but during snack time he got down under his desk to pick something up and his water bottle rolled off and hit him in the face.” Now, Christian has snack time everyday and I send in a metal Archer Tiger (school mascot) water bottle filled with ice and water. I know when it gets full it can be heavy, so I thought oh he’ll have a little mark. I asked if he’s okay, since he can be a LITTLE dramatic, and she said they put ice on it and he is back in class. She was just calling to give me the heads up and let me know they don’t beat the children at school. I just laughed!! I was thankful she called to give me the heads up so I would not freak out when I saw him. That afternoon I go and pick him up from day care, assuming he would have a little mark on his face only to be completely shocked by what I saw. The water bottle landed right under his right eye, it broke the skin, already turning purple and black and was swollen! I felt so bad! He looked like he had been in a fight! We kid him about it now saying that if anyone ever asks he should come up with a really great story about what happened not that he got hit in the face with a water bottle. So here is what a water bottle can do……

Shocking I know…..but he is alright and the bruise will go away over time!
Poor fella!!