It's hard to believe that school will be out at the end of the month and Christian will be heading to First grade! Kindergarten has been really fun and we are all excited to see what 1st grade has in store for us. Every month his teacher sends home a "Homework Calender." It has something for him to do each night, from practice counting to writing. This past Friday the assignment was for him to write a letter to his teacher and send it in. So Sunday night, I know last minute but we did it, Christian sat at the table and wrote his letter. I told him he could write what ever he wanted. I started it by writing her name, and he finished it. Now, just so you know he did this all by him self, spelling and all.

He wrote, "I like beeing in your class. Your are nice. She lets me eat iscreem. Do you like me?_______
From: Christian
I thought it was so cute how he left a spot for her to answer! The note came back with her response, "Yes I do!"
He is my smart little boy! I love him!