Yep, today is my birthday! Very exciting I know! I am officially 28! Kind of scary to think in two short years I'll be 30, but right now I am still enjoying my 20's. When you get a certain age and your birthday rolls around it's just another day. I guess I am to that point. Michael has been asking me for a week "what do you want for your birthday?" and "what do you want to do?" Honestly I don't need anything, and as long as I am with my family that's all that matters. I know so old, but it's true. Little did I know that Michael had a little something up hi sleeve. Since I have started walking/running I have been saying I need to buy me an ipod so I have something to listen to. I would REALLY love an ipod touch, but unless over night they drop to about $50 bucks I won't be getting that. So on Tuesday night after dinner he told me, "since you will be going and running tomorrow here is a little something for you.......he handed me an arm band for an ipod. I immediately said, "I know you didn't buy me what goes in this!" Which he quickly responded to nope, it's for your phone. Ok.....then I was handed this............

I was so surprised!! He's the best!! This is my birthday and mothers day gift all in one. Which is totally awesome! I must say that yesterday on my run it was quite nice listening to music instead of the birds, squirrels and other people's conversations.
Thanks baby....I love you!!!