We had a great weekend, hope you all did too! The weather was nice, hot but nice, so we spent a lot of time outside! A couple of weeks ago I started attending a class at our church for photography. Since I started to have a interest in it, I figured why not try this class out, plus it’s free. Christian goes with me and he has been attending Awanas and is loving it. I remember going to Awanas when I was his age, so it’s fun to see him go and have fun. Any-who, a lot of our class is learning how to use our camera’s but also how to take really good out of the camera photo’s. All before using Photoshop to fix the picture. So this weekend I had a LOT of strawberry’s. Since I have been working on my weight, I have been eating more fruit and right now strawberry’s are a fruit I can’t get enough of. I make a strawberry and banana smoothing every morning! So I decided to practice on my abundance of strawberry’s.

Don’t they look yummy?!?!

I cut a lot up and froze them to make my smoothies, left some for the kids to eat, and the rest I made these yummy chocolate covered ones! Trust me they were delish and yes I said were, since they are now all gone!