In a perfect world I would never get behind in blogging, or anything for that matter but guess what?? It's not and life happens.
Back to what's been going on......A Wedding!!!
One of my best friends finally got married!! I could not be even more excited for them. It feels like they have been talking about it for a while and then one day she said "Oh by the way we are getting married next Friday!" We were eating lunch and I about fell out of my chair, and if we hadn't been in the middle of a restaurant I would have screamed.....well I kind of did...but not like I would have if we were some where else.
They decided to get married on 11/11/11 in a low key service at the court house. No friends, no family, just them and their son Adrian. It was so nice!! It was about not only joining the two in marriage but joining the three of them together as a family. I was a little bummed about not being there but knew that it was what they wanted, and I was so happy about it I quickly got over it.
I am so happy for the three of them, and wish Sandra and Curtiss all the happiness in the world.
I love you guys!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thirty-One Year End Clearance!!!!!
Well my computer ended up in the repair shop for about a week and a half so I am working on getting caught up.
However I wanted to let everyone know about an amazing sale Thirty-One is having. Each year they retire certain items in order to make room for some new and exciting products. There are quiet a few things changing and I am excited about all the new Spring Products!! So here is your chance to stock up on some great items at an awesome low price. Most items are marked down 50% but some are marked down more. If you are like me buy things now and save them trough out the year for birthdays, graduations, or just because!!
Check it all out HERE!
If you have any questions please drop me an email!
I am hoping to get all caught up by New Years, so keep checking because I hosting my first give-a-way!!
However I wanted to let everyone know about an amazing sale Thirty-One is having. Each year they retire certain items in order to make room for some new and exciting products. There are quiet a few things changing and I am excited about all the new Spring Products!! So here is your chance to stock up on some great items at an awesome low price. Most items are marked down 50% but some are marked down more. If you are like me buy things now and save them trough out the year for birthdays, graduations, or just because!!
Check it all out HERE!
If you have any questions please drop me an email!
I am hoping to get all caught up by New Years, so keep checking because I hosting my first give-a-way!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Just about every Thanksgiving we spend the day at my parents eating and normally watching football, while planning out our black Friday deals! This year was completely different. Michael was not going to be able to travel back home, so it was just the boys and I. My sister and her family had been invited to some friends for Thanksgiving, so my mom opted not to cook. I was kind of bummed since I love Thanksgiving food, but totally understood not cooking for so few people.
We woke up and spent most of the morning being lazy. We enjoyed a nice breakfast and followed up by catching the Macy's parade. That afternoon we headed to my parents to chill out.
It was nice to just relax and not worry about running around.
My dad's birthday is around Thanksgiving and sometimes it actually falls on Thanksgiving day. This year it happened to land on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. Since we didn't have a typical Thanksgiving meal, we decided to get together Saturday night for dinner and to celebrate his birthday.
I kind of enjoyed it a little better....we had steaks! Yummy!!
After dinner he opened his presents and if you know my dad he LOVES popcorn. I think if it was ever made into a food group by itself he would live on it! So it only seemed fitting for him to have his own pop corn machine. My mom picked up the machine, and we loaded his up with oil, popcorn and flavor salt.
Of course we had to try it out....and it was quite yummy!
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!!
We woke up and spent most of the morning being lazy. We enjoyed a nice breakfast and followed up by catching the Macy's parade. That afternoon we headed to my parents to chill out.
It was nice to just relax and not worry about running around.
My dad's birthday is around Thanksgiving and sometimes it actually falls on Thanksgiving day. This year it happened to land on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. Since we didn't have a typical Thanksgiving meal, we decided to get together Saturday night for dinner and to celebrate his birthday.
I kind of enjoyed it a little better....we had steaks! Yummy!!
After dinner he opened his presents and if you know my dad he LOVES popcorn. I think if it was ever made into a food group by itself he would live on it! So it only seemed fitting for him to have his own pop corn machine. My mom picked up the machine, and we loaded his up with oil, popcorn and flavor salt.
Of course we had to try it out....and it was quite yummy!
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thanksgiving lunch with Christian!
The Thursday before Thanksgiving Christian’s school hosted the annual thanksgiving feast during lunch. I remember when I was in elementary school my mom coming and eating lunch with me, and I look forward to it each year with Christian. He looks forward to it as well. Normally I am working and take an little longer lunch and head over, but this year the exterminators were coming to do our yearly treatment at the house so I just took the day off! So Colin was able to join in on the fun! He loves Christian’s school. He points it out every time we pass and the whole morning he kept asking if it was time to go! Lunch was good, as good as school cafeteria food can get. Christian loved having us there, and even showed Colin off!!
The only thing about having fun things like this planned at school was he always wants to get checked out afterwards and go home! I don’t blame him, I always did and never was. I normally do, however I had a couple more errands to run and it’s easier and quieter with only 1 child. Plus he was going to recess and watching a movie the rest of the day. I made a deal with him and picked him up in car pool that afternoon, so it was all good!
The only thing about having fun things like this planned at school was he always wants to get checked out afterwards and go home! I don’t blame him, I always did and never was. I normally do, however I had a couple more errands to run and it’s easier and quieter with only 1 child. Plus he was going to recess and watching a movie the rest of the day. I made a deal with him and picked him up in car pool that afternoon, so it was all good!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Yeah, we are still here....
Yep it's holiday time, which means my blogging ends up on the end of my to-do list. A lot has been going on, our anniversary, Thanksgiving, a wedding, and a baby or two, a birthday and of course preparing for Christmas, along with our daily routines there seems to not be enough hours in the day to complete everything. I mean I could get everything done, but I would have to give up sleep, and that's not going to happen! Lets see if I can get caught up before Christmas comes. I can always hope!!
Our Anniversary!!
I honestly can't believe we just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!! Time really flies by!! I always envisioned where and what we would be doing for our anniversary and oh my have things changed. I knew we would spend it somewhere tropical. We didn't of course, and honestly that's just fine by me. I am beyond thrilled to actually spend that day together more than being at the beach. We didn't spend our 9th together so it was super important to spend out tenth together, I didn't even care where either. We ended up getting away for a couple of nights just the two of us. Which was SO needed. I know most people are not fully aware of our living situation, one day I would love to elaborate, but for now just know it was great and we enjoyed every minute of it. The boys spent a few days with my parents which they always love. Michael and I were able to spend quality time together, reconnect and even do a little Christmas shopping. I am more in love with him today than I have ever been! The past 10 years have been great, and I am looking forward to the next 50 years!
Our Anniversary!!
I honestly can't believe we just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!! Time really flies by!! I always envisioned where and what we would be doing for our anniversary and oh my have things changed. I knew we would spend it somewhere tropical. We didn't of course, and honestly that's just fine by me. I am beyond thrilled to actually spend that day together more than being at the beach. We didn't spend our 9th together so it was super important to spend out tenth together, I didn't even care where either. We ended up getting away for a couple of nights just the two of us. Which was SO needed. I know most people are not fully aware of our living situation, one day I would love to elaborate, but for now just know it was great and we enjoyed every minute of it. The boys spent a few days with my parents which they always love. Michael and I were able to spend quality time together, reconnect and even do a little Christmas shopping. I am more in love with him today than I have ever been! The past 10 years have been great, and I am looking forward to the next 50 years!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
What I'm Loving....

I thought I’d join in on What I’m Loving today, but with a Thanksgiving theme.
What am I loving today….all the things I am thankful for!
God! He’s amazing, and I am thankful for the relationship I have with him. He never leaves my side, and has gotten me (us) through this past year. I am excited to continue walking with him to our next adventure.
My family! I am thankful for my wonderful and loving husband, who works so hard to provide for us. My two little boys! I can’t imagine my life without them, they bring be so much joy and love it’s hard to explain.
My parents, who are by far the best parents ever. I love seeing their relationship together, and with God and it inspires me to walk the same way. I would have not survived this past year without them and I am so thankful they live only 10 minutes away and I can always pop in on them. My sister, who is also my best friend. She gets me and I get her (well most of the time)! She’s always there for me not matter what!
My friends! They are AMAZING! I love each of them to pieces and they keep me, somewhat, grounded. They don’t judge me, and accept me for who I am. Our health! Being surrounded by stories of people with so many health issues, or illnesses it reminds me to thank God every day for our health, and to never take it for granted.
I could go on and on, I am thankful for everything in my life!
My faith, family, friends, health, jobs, house, food….God is amazing and he gets all the credit, without him we have and are nothing.
I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My new adventure!
I have been thinking for a while about doing something on the side to 1) meet new people 2) get some new products on things I love 3) earn a little extra money (if possible). I just couldn't’t figure out what I wanted to do. I’m not a huge make-up person, and I know quite a few people that sell Mary Kay and Avon. I like candles, but not enough to sell them. I don’t have many around the house, and the few I do don’t ever get lit. Come on I have kids. What I do love are bags….all kinds. I stumbled across a “Thirty-one” a couple of years ago and fell in love with it. I honestly didn’t think I would ever be good at selling things, since I’m not a pushy person. I am a very outgoing person, and thought what the hay. Once I finally decided to jump in, it took a few months to actually purchase my kit. (I kind of have high expectations for myself, and when I decide to do something I want to be able to give 100% effort.) Mid-October I ordered it and within a week the huge pink box was sitting at my house! I am so excited about what the company offers, and what my potential could be. I don’t want people to feel obligated to host a party just to purchase something. If you see something you like, let’s just order it. No minimum, and have it mailed right to your door! It’s as easy as that!
I have a Face book page, so click HERE and like it! I will post each months special and any new products.
Click on the link to the side a browse through the catalog on my website.
Got any questions, just shoot me an email! So if you want to have a party, let me know. See something you like and just want to order it, email me!
I have a Face book page, so click HERE and like it! I will post each months special and any new products.
Click on the link to the side a browse through the catalog on my website.
Got any questions, just shoot me an email! So if you want to have a party, let me know. See something you like and just want to order it, email me!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy Anniversary!
Today is Michael's and I 10 year anniversary!! It's hard to believe it's already been ten years. I remember when we got married thinking about where we would be in 10 years. Honestly I am not where I thought we would be, and that's OK. I think in some way it's better than I thought. Ever year has had it's share of ups and downs but I would not choose to go through any of it with any one other than Michael.
This past year is a year I will never forget. It's been probably the hardest year, but one of the best. We have both grown so much as individuals but our relationship has grown so much. Most of all our relationship with God has grown more than ever, and I am so grateful and thankful for that. Today we are on a little get-a-way that could potentially change our lives forever. God has done amazing things in our life, our marriage, and he will continue to show himself everyday from here on. We are excited to see his work in us and our family.
Happy Anniversary babe...I love you!! Thanks for the 10 best years of my life.
This past year is a year I will never forget. It's been probably the hardest year, but one of the best. We have both grown so much as individuals but our relationship has grown so much. Most of all our relationship with God has grown more than ever, and I am so grateful and thankful for that. Today we are on a little get-a-way that could potentially change our lives forever. God has done amazing things in our life, our marriage, and he will continue to show himself everyday from here on. We are excited to see his work in us and our family.
Happy Anniversary babe...I love you!! Thanks for the 10 best years of my life.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I literally felt like we just had Halloween, and here we are again deciding on what costume we want and preparing for trick-or-treating. Where has the year gone?!?!
I asked Christian a while back what he wanted to be for Halloween and he just couldn't decide. Finally he said he wanted to be the blue power ranger. I'm not really sure why, he doesn't watch the show. I remember my nephew watching it when he was younger and it was not any were near as violent as it is today. However that was the only thing he said he liked. Colin on the other hand is still at an age were I can make the decision for him and he's happy.
The Saturday after we left the corn maze we headed to party city to see what we could find. I am not a huge Halloween fan, but when you have kids it all about them. Growing up we never went trick-or-treating, we always attended the fall festival at the church. Party City was crazy, surprise, surprise! We were not there 5 minutes and Christian saw the Power Ranger outfit, in blue and red. There was a big "sold out" sign across the picture. I asked the guy there if they would be receiving any more in and he said that the power ranger outfit were so popular that they were sold out every were. He even said you could not order them online. So we had to figure out something else for him to be.
My mom, so kindly, gave the boys a Frankenstein monster she got at the Hallmark store, that sings the "Monster Mash" and dances. Ever since they got it Colin has been saying he wanted to be a monster. We found the cutest little monster costume! Christian walked around for about 10-15 minutes and finally decided on a storm trooper from Star Wars.
Monday for Halloween we headed over to my parents to trick or treat. We only go up and down 2-3 streets and it's plenty for the kids.
I asked Christian a while back what he wanted to be for Halloween and he just couldn't decide. Finally he said he wanted to be the blue power ranger. I'm not really sure why, he doesn't watch the show. I remember my nephew watching it when he was younger and it was not any were near as violent as it is today. However that was the only thing he said he liked. Colin on the other hand is still at an age were I can make the decision for him and he's happy.
The Saturday after we left the corn maze we headed to party city to see what we could find. I am not a huge Halloween fan, but when you have kids it all about them. Growing up we never went trick-or-treating, we always attended the fall festival at the church. Party City was crazy, surprise, surprise! We were not there 5 minutes and Christian saw the Power Ranger outfit, in blue and red. There was a big "sold out" sign across the picture. I asked the guy there if they would be receiving any more in and he said that the power ranger outfit were so popular that they were sold out every were. He even said you could not order them online. So we had to figure out something else for him to be.
My mom, so kindly, gave the boys a Frankenstein monster she got at the Hallmark store, that sings the "Monster Mash" and dances. Ever since they got it Colin has been saying he wanted to be a monster. We found the cutest little monster costume! Christian walked around for about 10-15 minutes and finally decided on a storm trooper from Star Wars.
Monday for Halloween we headed over to my parents to trick or treat. We only go up and down 2-3 streets and it's plenty for the kids.
Storm Trooper!!
Little Monster!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Corn Maze
A few weeks ago we decided to head out to the pumpkin patch. We had always gone to the same
place every year. It was nice to actually go and find a pumpkin and pick it. However there isn't always a ton of things for the kids to do. For the amount of money we pay you would think the kids would have a lot to do. So, we opted to hit another place. It was a corn maze and had tons of things for the kids, however you do miss the experience of picking your own pumpkin. The boys had a blast, and I am happy with the decision to switch it up this year. We spent half the day there, and I'm sure if it wasn't for Colin needing a nap we might have stayed a little longer.
They had a ton to do that was free but of course they also had things that you could buy tokens for. Of course all the fun things that you have to pay for were the things that the boys wanted to do. The first thing Christian wanted to do was the bungee jump. We stood there and watch a few people go first, and then he was ready to go. At first he was so pumped about it, and even said he wanted to go high.
Getting all hooked up!
The face of some one who shows no fear!
Getting started.....
and going high.....
Then the fear set in. He wasn't jumping high for 1 minute and he was yelling he was ready to stop. Once he got off he said "that was cool!"
They kept saying they had a petting zoo with different kinds of animals, and we even bought a bag of food to feed them. However once we got over to that area they had one little white pig. That Colin loved!! He chased it all around. The pig wanted nothing to do with him, but he was determined to catch it. There was a small box that had 2 bunnies in it, sleeping and 1 goat. That was it. Talk about a great petting zoo. It only last about 5-10 minutes max, and we were told that the animals had eaten a lot that morning and most likely would not eat anything we tried feeding them.
Colin has become so independent and I love just watching him go about things by himself, and explore new things.
I just love his blue eyes!
They had a cow train and Christian was all about riding it, but Colin was not into it at all. The only way he would ride it was if I rode with him. This is the only picture I will post about the ride. For some reason Michael thought he would take picture of my trying to get into it and get out of it. The seats are really made for one person, but since Colin was not going to ride it alone the guy insisted I would fit just fine.
Christian loved the rope swing! I was so afraid that he would loose his grip and fly off that thing. The guy was swinging it so fast, and I just held my breath until it was over.
I Love how when Colin is playing he is so intense. He is in such deep thought!
They had an old plane that you could climb in and the boys loved it!

Even a real race car! Christian could not figure how to get in. He said "Mommy wear is the handle!" When I told him they didn't use a regular door handle, they climbed in through the window. He jumped in!
This was our attempt at a half way decent picture of both of the boys. Christian was all about it, and Colin I still am not sure what he is doing. The look, and leaning on the pumpkin, and hand on his old are we?
I think the one thing I thought they would totally love would be the giant pillow. Kind of a huge air filled pillow and trampoline put together. Colin just ran around it, and then I caught him playing in the dirt, or as he said "I'm playing in the sand!"
Christian on the other hand....LOVED IT!! I kind of wish I had one in the back yard, how cool would that be?!?!
Over all we had a great afternoon, the weather was perfect and the boys had a ball. I think we will be hitting this place up next year. I hear during the winter months they set up a ice rink outside and have bon fires and ice skating.
place every year. It was nice to actually go and find a pumpkin and pick it. However there isn't always a ton of things for the kids to do. For the amount of money we pay you would think the kids would have a lot to do. So, we opted to hit another place. It was a corn maze and had tons of things for the kids, however you do miss the experience of picking your own pumpkin. The boys had a blast, and I am happy with the decision to switch it up this year. We spent half the day there, and I'm sure if it wasn't for Colin needing a nap we might have stayed a little longer.
They had a ton to do that was free but of course they also had things that you could buy tokens for. Of course all the fun things that you have to pay for were the things that the boys wanted to do. The first thing Christian wanted to do was the bungee jump. We stood there and watch a few people go first, and then he was ready to go. At first he was so pumped about it, and even said he wanted to go high.
Getting all hooked up!
The face of some one who shows no fear!
Getting started.....
and going high.....
Then the fear set in. He wasn't jumping high for 1 minute and he was yelling he was ready to stop. Once he got off he said "that was cool!"
They kept saying they had a petting zoo with different kinds of animals, and we even bought a bag of food to feed them. However once we got over to that area they had one little white pig. That Colin loved!! He chased it all around. The pig wanted nothing to do with him, but he was determined to catch it. There was a small box that had 2 bunnies in it, sleeping and 1 goat. That was it. Talk about a great petting zoo. It only last about 5-10 minutes max, and we were told that the animals had eaten a lot that morning and most likely would not eat anything we tried feeding them.
Colin has become so independent and I love just watching him go about things by himself, and explore new things.
I just love his blue eyes!
They had a cow train and Christian was all about riding it, but Colin was not into it at all. The only way he would ride it was if I rode with him. This is the only picture I will post about the ride. For some reason Michael thought he would take picture of my trying to get into it and get out of it. The seats are really made for one person, but since Colin was not going to ride it alone the guy insisted I would fit just fine.
Christian loved the rope swing! I was so afraid that he would loose his grip and fly off that thing. The guy was swinging it so fast, and I just held my breath until it was over.
I Love how when Colin is playing he is so intense. He is in such deep thought!
They had an old plane that you could climb in and the boys loved it!
Even a real race car! Christian could not figure how to get in. He said "Mommy wear is the handle!" When I told him they didn't use a regular door handle, they climbed in through the window. He jumped in!
This was our attempt at a half way decent picture of both of the boys. Christian was all about it, and Colin I still am not sure what he is doing. The look, and leaning on the pumpkin, and hand on his old are we?
I think the one thing I thought they would totally love would be the giant pillow. Kind of a huge air filled pillow and trampoline put together. Colin just ran around it, and then I caught him playing in the dirt, or as he said "I'm playing in the sand!"
Christian on the other hand....LOVED IT!! I kind of wish I had one in the back yard, how cool would that be?!?!
Over all we had a great afternoon, the weather was perfect and the boys had a ball. I think we will be hitting this place up next year. I hear during the winter months they set up a ice rink outside and have bon fires and ice skating.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Jordan's Football game
My nephew Jordan has played football just about his entire life. I don’t really remember a time when he wasn’t playing. It’s always been with the wreck league where we live, but now he’s in high school and is playing on the 9th grade team. I had not been to a game all season and I didn’t think I would. A couple of weeks ago he took a hard hit and ended up with a concussion and was not allowed to play. The doctor released him for his last game, so last week the boys and I went to see him play. He got a lot of play time, and is a really good player. What surprised me the most was that their filed was astro-turf! It was a really nice facility and everything was so clean. The other kids, (Christian, Colin, Jadon, and Adelyn) spent the entire time running around and having a blast, but boy was it cold!!! Buford won over St. Pius so over all it was a great game. Looking forward to next season!!
# 33
How cute is he?
Enjoying some snacks!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Life has been pretty crazy, as usual, and blogging had taken a back seat. Last week I had a horrible stomach bug and was pretty much out on commission for a few days. Michael was actually not traveling for a few days and it was nice to have him around the house. I am so thankful for his job, and he works so super hard to provide for our family, but the down side is that he is travels a lot. We spent time at the pumpkin patch, Halloween, and some other new things. I have a lot to catch up on, and a few new and exciting things coming up. Oh, and do I even need to mention that Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away, and then Christmas. I am on a mission to have all my shopping done by November 30Th, wish me luck.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Happy Birthday Adelyn!!
Last Thursday was Adelyn's 2nd birthday, so this past Saturday we celebrated it. Leigh and I took the kids to Monkey Joe's to jump!! I took a few pictures there but none really turned out that great. They were moving too fast and the lighting in the building was awful. I did go down a slide with Adelyn because she was scared to go up any. We FLEW done the slide, and I ended up getting wounded!
Afterwards we headed back to our parents house for the party. She had a "soda-shop" like themed party and it was super cute!! My mom made cupcakes in ice cream cones and piled tons of icing on each one. SUGAR OVERLOAD!!!
My dad whipped up some vanilla and chocolate malt milk shakes!
The Birthday girl and her balloons!!
For the food she had a great idea of having everyone make their own personal pizza! We all rolled our out, and topped it with what ever we wanted. The kids thought it was pretty cool, and they were able to watch it cook.
Afterwards we headed back to our parents house for the party. She had a "soda-shop" like themed party and it was super cute!! My mom made cupcakes in ice cream cones and piled tons of icing on each one. SUGAR OVERLOAD!!!
My dad whipped up some vanilla and chocolate malt milk shakes!
The Birthday girl and her balloons!!
For the food she had a great idea of having everyone make their own personal pizza! We all rolled our out, and topped it with what ever we wanted. The kids thought it was pretty cool, and they were able to watch it cook.
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