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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I know it has been a while, things have been really crazy. Colin has been sick for the past month, and after being at the doctors office every week, for the past three weeks and lots of calls they have discovered he has RSV. So he is currently on five breathing treatments a day, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last night was a good night; where he finally slept most of the night with out having a coughing attack.

So with out further a-do here are the long awaited pictures from Christmas! Enjoy!


A couple of weeks ago my mom and dad took Christian and Jadon to the Children's Museum for the Bob the Builder exhibit! The boys had a blast. Plus, we enjoyed the afternoon with just us (plus Colin, but he slept), and a quite lunch out.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Hey! I love the Christmas/Bob the Builder pics! How do you do a slideshow like that? Is Colin feeling better? Talk to you soon!!