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Monday, August 16, 2010

Cake Anyone???

Last Sunday mom and I took a cake class. It was a class about Fondant, the icing you see on cakes that look like sheets of icing. Any cake you see with it most of the times are very beautiful, so we thought we would give it a go. We now know why those cakes are so expensive, they are hard work. The class was from 1-4, and we easily could have gone a few more hours to tweak our cakes. Plus it's very hard work, my arms felt like jello afterwards. You knead the icing over and over and it uses a lot of upper body. We had a great time, and really enjoyed the class. There's another one in a couple of months we might hit, so stay tuned! Enjoy our works of art.


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Since I have two boys, bugs where a must!