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Monday, December 12, 2011


Just about every Thanksgiving we spend the day at my parents eating and normally watching football, while planning out our black Friday deals! This year was completely different. Michael was not going to be able to travel back home, so it was just the boys and I. My sister and her family had been invited to some friends for Thanksgiving, so my mom opted not to cook. I was kind of bummed since I love Thanksgiving food, but totally understood not cooking for so few people.

We woke up and spent most of the morning being lazy. We enjoyed a nice breakfast and followed up by catching the Macy's parade. That afternoon we headed to my parents to chill out.

It was nice to just relax and not worry about running around.

My dad's birthday is around Thanksgiving and sometimes it actually falls on Thanksgiving day. This year it happened to land on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. Since we didn't have a typical Thanksgiving meal, we decided to get together Saturday night for dinner and to celebrate his birthday.

I kind of enjoyed it a little better....we had steaks! Yummy!!

After dinner he opened his presents and if you know my dad he LOVES popcorn. I think if it was ever made into a food group by itself he would live on it! So it only seemed fitting for him to have his own pop corn machine. My mom picked up the machine, and we loaded his up with oil, popcorn and flavor salt.

Of course we had to try it out....and it was quite yummy!

Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!!

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