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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanksgiving lunch with Christian!

The Thursday before Thanksgiving Christian’s school hosted the annual thanksgiving feast during lunch. I remember when I was in elementary school my mom coming and eating lunch with me, and I look forward to it each year with Christian. He looks forward to it as well. Normally I am working and take an little longer lunch and head over, but this year the exterminators were coming to do our yearly treatment at the house so I just took the day off! So Colin was able to join in on the fun! He loves Christian’s school. He points it out every time we pass and the whole morning he kept asking if it was time to go! Lunch was good, as good as school cafeteria food can get. Christian loved having us there, and even showed Colin off!!


The only thing about having fun things like this planned at school was he always wants to get checked out afterwards and go home! I don’t blame him, I always did and never was. I normally do, however I had a couple more errands to run and it’s easier and quieter with only 1 child. Plus he was going to recess and watching a movie the rest of the day. I made a deal with him and picked him up in car pool that afternoon, so it was all good!

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