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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yeah, we are still here....

Yep it's holiday time, which means my blogging ends up on the end of my to-do list. A lot has been going on, our anniversary, Thanksgiving, a wedding, and a baby or two, a birthday and of course preparing for Christmas, along with our daily routines there seems to not be enough hours in the day to complete everything. I mean I could get everything done, but I would have to give up sleep, and that's not going to happen! Lets see if I can get caught up before Christmas comes. I can always hope!!

Our Anniversary!!

I honestly can't believe we just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!! Time really flies by!! I always envisioned where and what we would be doing for our anniversary and oh my have things changed. I knew we would spend it somewhere tropical. We didn't of course, and honestly that's just fine by me. I am beyond thrilled to actually spend that day together more than being at the beach. We didn't spend our 9th together so it was super important to spend out tenth together, I didn't even care where either. We ended up getting away for a couple of nights just the two of us. Which was SO needed. I know most people are not fully aware of our living situation, one day I would love to elaborate, but for now just know it was great and we enjoyed every minute of it. The boys spent a few days with my parents which they always love. Michael and I were able to spend quality time together, reconnect and even do a little Christmas shopping. I am more in love with him today than I have ever been! The past 10 years have been great, and I am looking forward to the next 50 years!

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