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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's HOT!!!

Weather in the south is pretty unpredictable. Literally one day it’s 80 degrees outside and two days later the high is 50, it’s just how it is. Now that we are in mid-October we should be enjoying the cool days of fall, but it’s the south and things don’t work like that. This past weekend the weather was GORGEOUS!! Mid 80’s Saturday thru yesterday, usually I love this kind of weather. However this weekend was a little different. We were busy all day Saturday so when we finally got home around 8 that evening I opened the front door only to have a burst of hot air hit me. The house was 78 degrees and rising! The kids’ were already asleep so I went around trying out every vent in the house to figure out why it wasn’t cooling. I could hear the air conditioner running outside, and could feel the air coming from every vent, it just wasn’t cool air. I turned the air off for about 10 minutes and restarted it thinking that that would fix it. Once I turned it back on the first 2-3 min all the air was cool but quickly turned kind of warm.

We managed through the night with the fans, and I prayed that come morning it would be working. Sunday we woke up, the house was somewhat cool but still never dropped down to what I had the thermostat to. I changed the air filter, which I was proud of myself for, and we left for church again hoping that the temp would stay down. Once we got home the house was HOT!! The thermostat was reading 83 inside! I now knew something was wrong with it so I just decided to turn it off completely. No sense running something and paying for it, if it wasn’t going to run properly. I opened the windows, turned on all the fans and hoped that there would be a breeze through the house. After about an hour I knew the kids were hot when they came into the living room with nothing but underwear on. I called my dad and he gave me the number to the ac guy and we would just have to deal with it until Monday.

So yesterday I called the AC guy to come out and take a look. He kind of laughed because he normally doesn’t receive calls this time of year for AC problems, mainly heat. This is funny because by tomorrow the high will be 50 and I will not need the air, I will need heat. That’s how the weather works in the south! Thankfully it was just a small piece that was broken on the unit itself outside, and they were able to replace it in about 15 minutes, and it wasn’t too expensive! Last night was much cooler….and I am so thankful our air is fixed and running great. Even if it’s only for 2 days, and then we are turning on the heat!

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