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Thursday, April 29, 2010


I have been at my current job for 5 years, I started at one branch and worked there for 2 years before taking another position to join the “Travel Team,” I know it sounds awesome doesn’t it? Any-who, we have 7 locations and I travel in between them and fill in when and where needed. I can be at any branch on any given day. It’s always something different, and I have been able to form some wonderful friendships with some co-workers that I don’t think I would ever have if I didn’t travel. None of our locations are more than 30-35 miles from my home, but on most days I stay pretty close. When we started 3 years ago there where three of us, and we quickly went down to 2! I have talked about her before, but my other partner in crime is Sandra! I love her to pieces! She has such a big heart and an amazing personality; we just clicked from day one. She’s a mom of a handsome boy Adrian, and a great mom at that! Well a couple of weeks ago a new position with our company came up and she decided to go for it. It’s a job at one branch, so there won’t be any more traveling for her. She wanted a little bit more stability, and a set schedule. With traveling your schedule can change everyday even up to the very last minute. You learn to go with the flow. Once she applied, was offered the job and accepted, it went pretty quick in about a week. So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been at it alone. Today is her “lunch,” her, myself our direct supervisor and Retail administrator all went out for lunch to celebrate her time on the travel team and her new position. I am so happy for her, since this is what she really wants. Even though she won’t be traveling with me, our friendship has grown so much and that won’t matter. Plus I like to have a variety of friends, and she fills the “Mexican friend” spot! Good luck on your new position!