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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take me out to the ball game!!

I am very fortunate to work for a company who is very involved in the community, and with that we get a lot of perks. A couple of years ago the Gwinnett Braves moved from Richmond Virginia to Gwinnett County. It has been great having a successful minor league team in our county, and even better having the stadium only about 20 minutes from where we live. However, we have never been to a game. The whole deal with building the stadium was done by the company I work for, and in return they own a box there. We have the opportunity to use any tickets to the games, and also have awesome seating. A couple of weeks ago I decided to take the boys. It ended up turning into a awesome experience and more fun than I thought. I asked for 3 tickets, and somehow by the time we left work on Friday I ended up with 7, and it turned into a get-together rather than a game. Two of my best friends tagged alonged and we took up 18 out of the 20 tickets available.

I brought my brother in law Kenny, and his two sons (my nephews) Jadon and Jordan. Jordan brought along a friend, Keaton. Cindy and Hannah took two seats, and Sandra and her gang, (literally) took the remainder of the tickets. It wasn’t until I got the tickets when I realized who we were playing, the Durham Bulls, ironic I know. I was torn on who to cheer for…Just Kidding! I’m a thru and thru Atlanta fan!

We had amazing seats, even though I don’t think I watched too much of the game from the seats. I sat on the couch and watched it on TV, while chasing the little ones around! We took Christian’s tom-a-hawk and by the middle of the game it went from being a part of the cheering on the team to a full out weapon. I will say I think I have found the only way to watch a game while at the stadium itself. In a box!

Chopper is a beaver, and the braves mascot. He did an awesome job! He interacted with the crowd the whole time!!

During the 4th inning he came up to the suite level and we were able to meet him. The boys all got his autograph and had their picture taking with him. Colin was a little hesitant, but pretty much never took his eyes off of him.

I will say I enjoyed attending this game a whole lot better than an Atlanta Braves game. It went by a lot quicker, and since it’s a smaller facility didn’t feel so overwhelming. During each inning they interacted with the crowd by playing games. While the team was playing they would go into the crowd and find different people to participate in different games on the field. That night happened to be Cowboy night, you could dress up as a cowboy or cowgirl to the game. We didn’t dress up but we did enjoy the cowboy show! A couple of times during the game they let about 3-4 goats out onto the field and they were being chased by dogs. Not just any dogs, dogs with REAL little monkeys on their backs! The monkeys were in little seats strapped to the dogs backs. They had cowboys hats, shirts and little chaps on! It was so cute! They just chased around the goats and seemed to be having fun!

After a few bags of cotton candy, hot dogs, pizza and a lot of running around the boys were out 5 minutes after leaving! They even missed our late night snack from Krispy Kreme! You can’t drive past at 11 o’clock at night and see the “Hot and Fresh” sign on and not stop! That dozen didn’t even stand a chance.