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Friday, April 29, 2011

Look who lost his first tooth!!!

Christian has had a tooth that has been loose for quite a while now, but nowhere near enough to either pull it or for it to fall out. The other day when I picked him up he was so excited because he had been messing with it all day with his tongue and it was super loose! I told him not to bother with it anymore and when it was ready to come out it would. Ha, easier said than done especially when your 6! I told him to be careful while eating so he wouldn’t swallow it. He panicked for a minute and asked why, assuming if he did swallow it something bad would happen. I said if he didn’t have it, he couldn’t get money for it! He was so cautious eating dinner, but afterwards I took a quick look myself. I barely touched it and it fell right into my hands! He didn’t even know it was missing! He was super excited, and could wait to call Michael and tell him what had happened!

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