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Friday, June 17, 2011

Sports Camp

The church we have been attending lately had a sports camp last week. It's kind of their way of vacation bible school, so I knew I wanted Christian to attend. It was Monday thru Thursday from 6-8:30. I didn't pre-register him, so we left a little earlier on Monday so we would have time. I guess I kind of scared him by telling him that over 500 kids had already pre-registered. When we got in line, he saw a couple of boys from school and all the other kids. Then he started to panic! He was crying and saying he didn't want to stay. I couldn't leave him crying. So we left. I had a talk with him in the car and asked what was wrong. He told me he was shy and didn't want to meet all those people! He is not shy, and I told him he didn't need to meet every single person there. Just find a friend and hang out with him and if he met any new people it would be a plus! He said he would try again on Tuesday.

So Tuesday we tried it again. I filled out the registration form and told him to pick 2 things he wanted to participate in. Since it's a sports camp they had all different sports listed and you would be teamed up and play that particular sport. Obliviously they have a few other things listed just in case some kids were not into sports. We have never signed him up for any sports. One- he hasn't shown any interest in any one particular sport and two-if he is going to play a sport we want him to know the jist of it before hand. It's not an issues we push. Any-who, I gave him the list and told him to pick any 2 he wanted. I didn't care, if it was something he has never tried just do it. It's all just fun! He wanted large group games, which I think everyone participated in. Then he chose his two "sports"......and what did MY child pick???? Art and Science!!! I just laughed!! I didn't question it, and just said ok...let's go have fun! He found a boy from school and teamed up with him. I kissed him bye and I would pick him up later! The first day I picked him up-sweating, beat red, and all wound up!! He said "mom-I had a blast, and can't wait to come back tomorrow!" I knew he would love it!! He told me all about the experiments he preformed, and even wore goggles!! Too funny!

Thursday night was the big send-off! They didn't have a family night, but instead brought in a professional motorcyclist! Christian's word's were "he was awesome!" He had a huge ramp and did trips. Jumped over a bus, and everything! We waited in line for a picture and autograph and to check out his bike!


I'm so glad he had so much fun! I remember loving going to our churches vacation bible school, and I'm glad he is experiencing the same thing!

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