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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Colin's Boo-Boo

So not only did my parents take Colin out of town last weekend, but he received his first black eye!!

(It's not the best picture, but you can still see it a little!)

Once they got home on Monday night Colin was super fussy!! He hadn't gotten a full nap, and what nap he did receive it was late in the afternoon so he was super cranky!! He cried for about 45 minutes before I could get him calmed down. He kept covering his face, and was just mad. Once he was able to clam down enough I noticed a band-aid on his knee. I asked him "oh, you got a boo-boo?" which he didn't respond only my mom by, "no, just a black eye!!" After my initial shock, she stated it was under my dad's watch so be mad at him! How quickly she throws him under the bus!!

He apparently was playing in the kitchen, twirling around (which he does often) and slammed right into the table! After the full-over check to make sure he was ok and didn't loose an eye, they said he was fine.

I think day 4-5 was the worst!

No biggie, accidents happen, and he's ok. However it's his first and you have to document it!

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