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Friday, September 9, 2011

Bye-Bye Paci

The Paci is officially gone!! It was tough, but I am so glad it's gone and it was gone before his third birthday! After my post here, and some advice from a couple of fellow blogger mommies, and friends we have won the battle. Colin was so attached to it, and at first I honestly thought we would never get rid of it. Like I said we were down to 1 paci left, after he chewed holes in about 3-4 other ones, and the final one got lost.

Night time was bad but I keep telling him that all the other paci's were broking or not working. When that didn't really work too well I told him paci's were for babies and he was a big boy. I even told him that Christian was a big boy and didn't use them either. He kindly added "paci's are not cool!" Every night I would let him pick out 2-3 small toys out that he could sleep with for trading out the paci. After a couple of days it was a huge deal to decide what toys he would pick out. Over all he normally picked Mickey Mouse, Rocket (from Little Einsteins), Leo (from Little Einsteins), and/or a couple of trucks.

In fact the other day, about 15 days or so paci free, he found a long lost paci under the TV cabinet. I literally gasped in fear that he would pop it in his mouth, he picked it up through it across the room. Mission accomplished!! The paci is gone, and even finding one and being tempted he wanted nothing to do with it.

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