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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Colin's Birthday Party!!

A few months ago I started brain storming about ideas for Colin's birthday. To be honest his 1st and 2nd birthday we didn't go all out. Last year we had a small family birthday since we were heading to the beach a few days later. So I wanted to have a "party" this year. Thanks to the "pinterest" and "etsy" I had plenty of things to choose from. Since he absolutely loves trains that is the way I wanted to go. He watches Thomas the Train, and honestly he kind of creeps me out a little. Plus I wanted to do something a little more creative. One night I was browsing Pinterest for Train themed birthday party's and stumbled across a lady who creates customizable party's. She had an adorable train party set that I just had to have, and she sold them on Etsy.

I planned on having the party at my parents house, since they have a little more room. We had the party the Saturday of Labor Day weekend and I am so happy how every things turned out.

I was able to customize everything, and print it from home.

We had lots of yummy food!!

For little "Thank You" gifts I made a "Candy Bar!" I printed up tags and glued them onto white bags, and each person was able to fill their bag with what ever they wanted!!

Can we say sugar rush!! Each kids also received their very own train whistle!!

My mom made the cupcakes, and they were so good! She found a train mold and even made the chocolate trains.

Blowing out his big "3" candle!!

Present time!!

Colin got three of the Dinosaurs from the show "Dinosaur Train" which he LOVES!

Some fire truck blocks from Leigh, Kenny and the kiddo's!! Since Christian LOVES firetrucks it works out that Colin now can build his own.

And you can never go wrong with Geo-Tracks! We have a billion, so what's a few more...right?!?!

In all I think Colin had a fantastic birthday! I absolutely loved being about to customize everything form him.

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