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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Day in Georgia!!!

For the second time this year we had snow in Georgia! Crazy! I was at work when it started and after sitting and watching it fall for a couple of hours, we decided to close early and head home. Christian was so excited when I picked him up, Colin didn't really get what was going on. It snowed until 11 o'clock that night, so by the morning we had a good 4 inches!

(This is the street we live off of)

(This is the street we live off of)

(Downtown Grayson)

Christian could not wait to go play in it. I bundled up the boys and headed out for some fun! The snow came up to Colin's knees so he had a little trouble walking around, but still had fun. He didn't know what to do at first and just walked around. It was a little hard to pack the snow, so we had a hard time building a snowman. That afternoon when the roads cleared up a little bit, we headed to my parents, so they could play outside with Jordan and Jadon. We had a great snowy afternoon!

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