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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I must admit that when I started a blog it was to keep in contact with family, let them know what was going on in our lives especially since I was pregnant at the time. I decided to start one when a couple of girls I went to high school had one and I became addicted to reading them. Over time I slacked off, and just recently picked it back up and I really enjoy it. (When I get around to posting.) I know there are other websites out there such as face book, twitter, My Space that keeps people in contact with friends but there is really something different about blogging. It’s mine, I can write whatever I feel, and some people may like it and some may not. I have a few blogs that over time I have found and become addicted to. They write about anything and everything in their lives. The good, the bad, and the ugly. In my opinion the blogging world is huge! You always hear people ask, “are you on face book?” and 9 out of 10 times they are, but I am finding more and more people starting their own blogs. I know it’s weird but I read other people’s blogs and feel like I personally know them….I know crazy! You find yourself becoming invested in what they have to say. Sometimes you can relate to them and you sometimes feel “at least I’m not the only one.” I have found blogs by mothers, who share parenting tips, and I admit I steal them. I found websites by family’s who have lost a child, and my heart breaks with them, girls who struggle with self confidence and self esteem issues and what they have done to overcome them. Blogs by expectant mothers excited about bringing a new child into the world, blogs following couples getting ready to be married and start their lives together. There is at least one blog out there that anyone can relate to on any given day. I have even convinced a few people to start their own, and I do enjoy reading what they have to say. I love people to read mine and comment, I comment on other blogs. I hope that throughout my blog people can relate to me, take something away from what I have to say or just enjoy reading about my crazy life. Never the less, please read, leave comments, good or bad I can take it. I want to keep up with my blog in hope that one day I can look back and share my little stories with my boys when they are older. Whether it’s about my family, my job, my hobbies or whatever is on my mind on any day, that is what I’ll blog about. This is my life, it’s what GOD has given me and I am just documenting it from my perspective.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

I find myself sharing what I read on blogs in everyday conversation. Some of the blogs I read I consider myself friends with the person even though I've never met them. I have just read all about their family!