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Friday, March 5, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things....

It's true, they really say the darnedest things. When they say something, to them it's right, and it's so serious. Christian cracks us up with some of the things he says. Michael and I look at each other sometimes and are like "where did that come from?" The other night Christian was playing with Colin's toy phone and said, "when your young you push the buttons fast," and preceded to push the numbers fast. Then says "and when you get old and have all those lines on your face, you push like this," and preceded to push the button very slow. Lines? We asked, yes lines on your face, as he makes lines on his face with his hands. Then it hit us, lines to him, are really wrinkles to older people! Too funny! So, as I am telling my mom about it, she says he asked her about her lines the other day! It's so funny, how they come up with there own little words!

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