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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a Beautiful weekend we had! To make it even better Michael had the whole weekend off…that’s a first since before Thanksgiving! We woke up Saturday and I was planning on meeting my mom at the park for a walk when my car would not start! Oh yeah…I figured our first car problem would be with Michael’s truck since it’s paid off! My car battery was dead as a door nail! So after about 3 hours of messing with it, we bought a new battery and it works perfectly! We finished the day cleaning around the house, the garage mainly, and playing outside!

I love when the weather is great, the boys enjoy being outside! Sunday was our normal "family day" and we spent the day running around, since this is the only time we can as a family! We bought a new office chair for our new desk we purchased last week, and while we were at Office Depot Mr. Colin walked right into a glass table, that happened to be his perfect height and WHAM…busted his head! I must admit he is very prone to forehead injuries; it seems that’s the only part of his body that gets hurt. He is such a busy body and gets going too fast for his little feet to keep up. He was fine about 5 minutes later, just took off once again.

On another note….I measured the distance from our house to the front of the subdivision and back and it is 3 miles. So I am going to start by walking it in hope to be able to run it. I have a plan to give myself until Memorial weekend to see how much weight I can lose. That is the weekend I will be heading up to Kentucky to see family for a visit and my cousins wedding and would love to have a new dress! Plus I found a really cute bathing suit, and if I meet my goal I am going to splurge on it! So here is to me working my bottom off....literally!!

For you viewing pleasure......

I wish I could pull off a 2 piece bathing suit, but I have had 2 body isn't like it was when I was in high school. I thought this was a really cute one piece!


Shelli said...

Check out my blog - I gavce you an award!

Summer Campbell said...

I think that is great. I love that bathing suit, where can can I get one.