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Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend plans.....

First thank you to everyone who made my birthday so special! I have some of the best family, friends and co-workers I could ever ask for. Since I travel with my job, today I had to be at the place that is furthest from my house, but all the girls made is so special! Yelling Happy Birthday as I walked in the front door, and bringing me some yummy cupcakes! Many emails, cards, and candies later I felt so loved! My boss even let me leave early! Which I spent that time first buying a new pair of shoes, and secondly getting a jump start to my run. Which by the way is awesome now that I have my new ipod! After picking up the boys, we headed home where Michael made his famous home made lasagna! YUMMY!! With the help of Christian! I think I have had carb overload today, and it might not look pretty on my weigh in tomorrow, but it was worth it.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us, Relay for life tonight at the fairgrounds. My work is a sponsor and I have loved being involved in it since I have been there. Saturday I have to work, only 3 hours though. Girls night our Saturday night, movie and dinner. Sunday is Mother's day, plus we will be celebrating my sister's and my birthday with my family. Then Monday will return and back to the grind of daily life!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend!