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Monday, May 9, 2011


With spring finally here and all this beautiful weather I like to take as many opportunities as possible to have the boys outside playing. Some of my best memories growing up were being outside playing with the neighborhood kids. Riding bikes, playing flash light tag or whatever being outside was the best! We have a pretty small back yard and we do our best to use our imaginations. We also live about 6-7 minutes from a fantastic park, but with gas prices getting high and the fact that I drive a big car it’s nice to stay home. So a few weeks ago when a friend from work said she was selling a jump house, I jumped on it! It’s a smaller one used for home purposes but it was perfect for the boys. Plus it’s portable enough that I could throw it in the back of the car and take it to my parents for all the kids to enjoy it. I defiantly got our money’s worth out of it, and I’m sure it will get a lot of use this summer!