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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekend Fun!!

We had a great weekend! Saturday the boys and I spent the morning doing chores around the house, it cost me a little bit of money but I had to have some kind of incentive to get some things done!

That afternoon the boys went over to my parents so me and a couple of girlfriends could have a much needed girls night out! We went and saw the movie “Bridesmaids!” It was hilarious!! I could have done without some of the language, but over all a cute movie. We saw some previews for a few movies that will be out this summer, and I can’t wait. Comedy movies by far are my favorite, and I love to laugh! Hopefully we will be able to catch a few this summer! Afterwards we headed over to Longhorn and ate way too much! Since my birthday was the week prior I received a coupon for a free dessert! Yippee for free stuff!! We ate, talked and laughed so hard! It was a great girls night, and I can’t wait until the next one.

Sunday we headed to church. The sermons lately have been about family and this week’s sermon was about raising children. The sermon was great and I took away a few good points. At the end of the service while singing the closing song all the elementary aged kids came out and sung on stage! Christian was so excited, and was singing his heart out. It was a well known song we hear a lot on the radio so he was just belting it out! It was so cute, and I loved seeing him up there singing for Jesus!

After church we relaxed at home before heading to my parents for dinner. Then it was time to get ready for the week ahead. I was off yesterday and had a great day by myself. I got a few things done around the house, and have now decided to start a new project at home! (More to come later!)

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